Outlined below are terms and conditions requiring your agreement. Please read carefully and acknowledge your understanding by clicking on the checkbox on this booking form. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you are unsure about any of the points mentioned by emailing admin@funinsport.co.uk.
Safety and Liability:
While we strive to create a safe environment for children, we acknowledge that accidents or injuries can occur during physical activities. Therefore, you understand and agree that 'Fun In Sport Limited' is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may happen during football or sport sessions.
Medical Treatment:
As the parent/guardian with parental responsibility for the registered child, you grant permission for necessary medical treatment to be administered by a nominated first aider or qualified medical practitioners in case of illness. If you cannot be contacted and emergency hospital treatment is required, you authorize qualified medical practitioners to provide such treatment or medication.
Health and Contact Information:
As the parent/guardian with parental responsibility for the registered child, you will promptly inform the coaches of any significant changes to your child's health, medication, or needs. Additionally, you will update 'Fun In Sport' regarding any changes to your email address, residential address, or emergency contact numbers.
You confirm that all details provided are accurate to the best of your knowledge. You are authorised to give parental consent for your child to participate in all activities organised by 'Fun In Sport'.
Registration and Payment:
Fun in Sport offer term-time after school clubs and as parents/guardians you understand and agree that you are subscribing your child to the full-term cost of the club/s.
Every child must be registered via the website before the start of the first session. If the fee remains unpaid by the previous workday's lunchtime, the child will not be able to attend the class.
Late Enrolments and Payments:
Late enrolments and payments will incur an administration fee of £10.
Minimum Enrolment, Cancellations and Refunds:
Each club requires a minimum number of children to run. If a club is cancelled due to insufficient registrations, refunds will be provided to those who have already paid.
No refunds will be provided for mid-term cancellations, except in exceptional circumstances such as moving schools. If refund is permitted by Fun In Sport, a bank transaction charge of £1 will be deducted from the final amount to be refunded.
Trial Session – new participants only:
If there are spaces available, new participants who have not attended the club in a previous term may attend a trial session. The trial session is subject to a fee per club, parents must contact admin@funinsport.co.uk to check availability and trial fee cost. Please note that, if the new participant wishes to continue with the club, the parent agrees to subscribing their child to the full-term cost by paying the remaining balance.
Wet Weather Contingency:
In case of wet weather, every effort will be made to provide suitable indoor accommodation or class-based activities to avoid cancelling the session. We will try and give as much notice as possible.
Pickup and Late Pickup Charges:
As the parent/guardian with parental responsibility for the registered child you agree to pick up my child promptly after each session.
Late pickup, defined as 10 minutes after the club finishes, will incur an additional charge of £2 per minute. This fee will be invoiced at the end of the term.
Inappropriate behaviour:
Inappropriate behaviour by children, parents, or carers, such as verbal or physical abuse towards coaches, children or school staff will be reported and could result in your place at the club being withdrawn with immediate effect.
Data Protection:
'Fun In Sport' is committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 1998. Any information collected in relation to our youth teams will be stored on our database until you request its deletion or update.