I understand that although every effort is made to ensure a safe playing environment for children, sports are physically active and sometimes accidents/injures can occur; I agree that ‘Fun In Sport Limited’ is not liable for injury or accidents resulting from football or during sport sessions.
In the event of illness, having parental responsibility for above registered child, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorize a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication. In case of my child becoming sick during the day I will be able to come and collect it.
I will inform the coaches of any important changes to my child’s health, medication or needs and also of any changes to our e-mail, address and emergency phone numbers.
Fun In Sport is committed to ensuring that any information gathered in relation to our youth teams meets the specific responsibilities as set our in the Data Protection Act 1998. Fun In Sport will store the above information on their database until you inform us to delete or update it.
I confirm that all details I have provided are correct to the best of my knowledge and I am able to give parental consent for my child to participate in all activities.
I also confirm that I will pick up my child promptly after each session.
In the event of wet weather every effort will be made to provide suitable indoor accommodation based activity to avoid cancelling the session.